Where can I learn more about this "USB filesystem"?  I have been wanting to learn more 
about the USB subsystem since I'm pretty sure that if I'm going to get ANYTHING out of 
my Dell Axim on Linux, I'll be hacking a bit at this point.


begin  Marvin Dickens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(21 Dec 2002 19:08:11 -0500)

> Hi Joel!
> You can mount the camera using the USB file system that is now standard
> fair in all Linux distro's. I do it all the time with a Fuji FinePix as
> well as a Nikon CoolPix 2500 (Just like you have...). Once the camera is
> mounted (Should mount as /mnt/camera for security), you can use a GUI
> file manager to browse/move/delete images. As a matter of fact, you can
> do anything in the camera's memory (Which is what is mounted as a file
> system) that you can do in a normal file system. In a pinch, I've used
> my camera to move binary files between machines. Imagine.....
> Best
> Peck
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