Bruce Marshall wrote:

> I would agree with you on the Intel's with the exception that they *do*
> seem to have good thermal protection.  (slowing down the processor).  If
> anything untoward happens to an AMD CPU, they immediately go up in
> smoke.  I don't like that 'feechur'.
I just built a box around a used Intel 850MVL mobo with P4 2.2 gHz and
I got the board/CPU/RIMM's for less than I was prepared to pay for a
mobo/CPU (Celeron) and some DDRAM. I'm no fan of Intel, but I was
uncomfortable about the mobo/chipset selection from the posts I've read.
While I've built a number of PC/AT systems, this is my first ATX.
(I notice that there is still no standardization with indicator LED
Also, conspicuously absent in the documentation is how to access the
BIOS setup.)

The system refused to finish installing Libranet 2.7 - GRUB would not
run.  While waiting for Libranet to answer my squawk,
I googled and found  a long list of complaints about this mobo and
various Linux distro's.  I did manage to get SuSE 8 to install,
but Libranet and Xandros failed.  Knoppix would eventually run, but
would spew out a long listing of I/O errors.  Sometimes,
Knoppix would not run at all.  I found one post pointing out a BIOS
update, so I dloaded the BIOS patch and flashed it.

Coincidental with the BIOS problem, it also turned out that my Sony DVD
would not read CD-R's reliably.
I swapped it for a "LG" made in Korea.  The LG reads everything I feed
it just fine.

All of this illustrates the dreaded situation of "negative synergy" when
more than one component in a system is off spec.
BTW anyone else have problems reading CD-R's?

Leon A. Goldstein

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