On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 17:17:31 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello All,
> I last built my own kernel from source under eD2.4, 2.4.9 or so. I have 
> used pre-built kernels from SuSE since SuSE 7.2. I have a RH 8 box and
> want to up the kernel to 2.4.20 in order to use my Zaurus under usb.
> RH 8 does not have usbdnet and all the patched have failed. Therefore I
> need to build my own kernel to turn on some things.
> The latest kernel are patch-2.4.20.gz. I am used to linux-2.4.x.tar.gz. 

Keith, where ever you found the patches, there will be complete kernel source

As far as compiling a new kernel, the steps in the kernel compile sxs are still
accurate. Take the time to read the Changes file in the documentation and be
certain that your compile box has the required, uptodate tools.

That said, have fun. Kernel 2.4.20 has been quite nice.


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