
Im trying to get my Bind Server to work. I followed the tutorial by Doug Hunley from here :  http://www.linux-sxs.org/bind9.html   . Im a newbie soo sorry if my questions seem kind of off :)   Here is what i im trying to set it up on (Redhat 7.3-2.3.20, BIND-9.2.2rc1)

I followed each step exactly and things went smoothly.  The only thing i changed was in the "/etc/named.conf" file

1> // whom do we allow to do zone tranfers
            allow-transfer {; }; # to my internal interface ip addy(eth1)

2> // tell Bind to check the names in zone files
   // since it no longer does this by default
            // (currently unimplemented)
            //check-names master warn; //<---commented this line out

3>// specify what interfaces/ips to listen on
            // as the default is all of them
            listen-on {;; }; //<----changed to my LAN interface

4> And i changed the KEYS to the keys in the files  /etc/rndc.key and /etc/rndc.conf to the keys that i have.

And then i went to my windows machines and changed thier DNS addresses to <-----eth1

Here is my setup soo you have a better idea!
I have 1 LINUX machine acting as my "Firewall/ROUTER and DNS server" and 2 windows machines behind it. I was using my ISP's DNS server for the windows machines but now i want the linux machine totake care of it.

If anyone can help me from here on some steps to make sure everything is working. Casue when i run NSLOOUP from my windows machine i get
DNS request timed out.
    timeout was 2 seconds.
*** Can't find server name for address Timed out
*** Default servers are not available
Default Server:  UnKnown
And that is even after i trun my firewall off on my LINUX machine.
Thanks guys :)

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