Is your DNS interface behind the firewall on this linux box? If so readup on forwarders. can you ping the namerserver interface from your windows box? if yes can you telnet to port 53 on the dns interface?


Tasha Smith wrote:


Im trying to get my Bind Server to work. I followed the tutorial by Doug Hunley from here : . Im a newbie soo sorry if my questions seem kind of off :) Here is what i im trying to set it up on (Redhat 7.3-2.3.20, BIND-9.2.2rc1)

I followed each step exactly and things went smoothly. The only thing i changed was in the "/etc/named.conf" file

1> // whom do we allow to do zone tranfers
allow-transfer {; }; # to my internal interface ip addy(eth1)

2> // tell Bind to check the names in zone files
// since it no longer does this by default
// (currently unimplemented)
//check-names master warn; //<---commented this line out

3>// specify what interfaces/ips to listen on
// as the default is all of them
listen-on {;; }; //<----changed to my LAN interface

4> And i changed the KEYS to the keys in the files /etc/rndc.key and /etc/rndc.conf to the keys that i have.

And then i went to my windows machines and changed thier DNS addresses to <-----eth1

Here is my setup soo you have a better idea!
I have 1 LINUX machine acting as my "Firewall/ROUTER and DNS server" and 2 windows machines behind it. I was using my ISP's DNS server for the windows machines but now i want the linux machine totake care of it.

If anyone can help me from here on some steps to make sure everything is working. Casue when i run NSLOOUP from my windows machine i get
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
*** Can't find server name for address Timed out
*** Default servers are not available
Default Server: UnKnown
And that is even after i trun my firewall off on my LINUX machine.
Thanks guys :)

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