It's not free, but I feel quite nice. Rekall from the Kompany. I will run
under Linux or winblows. It use python as a scripting language (which BTW
I have no clue how to program, but I'll learn). And it can interface postgresql, 
mysql, or xbase!  You can do forms, queries, copies, create
and edit tables, yes you can even create xbase tables under linux. What's
more I have used it to manage a home inventory mysql database. I haven't
got quite good at writing code snippets for the buttons, etc, but since it
is quite like M$ Access, most of this can be used built in. I believe they
have a demo version, but don't quote me on it.

Just my $0.02 worth

Keith B.
Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Anyone here ever use Alpha IV under OS/2? 
>It was a full featured relational database... quite nice and handy... Easy as
>pie to setup inventory applications, etc...
>I was wondering if anyone has found a Linux equivalent, perhaps front-ending for
>mysql? I've got a project being pushed my way and it'd be quite nice to
>implement it on top of linux. Otherwise I'll be required to run it on OS/2 using
>an old copy of Alpha IV.
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