Thanks Roger,

Thats exactly what I needed.

Roger Oberholtzer wrote:

I had a nice long answer for this, and, for the first time, sylpheed froze
and I lost it. Damn.

Global menu definitions are stored in files in $KDEDRR/share/applnk, and
mime definitions are in  $KDEDRR/share/mimelnk. The files in these
directories cross-reference each other.

To remove an application from the K menu, do NOT delete tthe file in
the applnk directory. Instead, add this to the file:

NoDisplay: true

A shell script to do this would be straight forward.

To add an item, just add a definition file to $KDEDRR/share/applnk, like the following:

[Desktop Entry] Name=RSofT Configuration Editor Name[C]=RSofT Configuration Editor Comment[C]=RSofT Configuration Editor SwallowExec= SwallowTitle= BinaryPattern= MimeType=rsoft/configuration Exec=rxvt -geometry 80x30 -e dtwrap change Icon=hwinfo.xpm TerminalOptions= Path= Type=Application Terminal=0 NoDisplay=true

The file should have an extension of .desktop. I called this file

To make a submenu, make a directory in $KDEDRR/share/applnk and put these
files in that directory.

To add a mimetype, add it to $KDEDRR/share/mimelnk. Here is the one that
works with the applink above:

[KDE Desktop Entry]
Comment=RSofT Configuration
Comment[C]=RSofT Configuration

The DefaultApp refers to the file name of the application in the applnk

So, it is all just a bunch of small files.

If you want to do a change for a specific user, put the same files in

I would imagine that to hide a global menu for just one user would require
that you copy thr applnk file to the user's applnk directory and add the
NoDisplay line.

(My lost answer was better, but time...)

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 10:33:50 +1100
James McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Folks,

Long time no post.

I have run Redhat for a while but RH8.0 seems to require a lot of extra additions as I mostly use Linux as an admin/chat/hack system not an office/games system which is what I think RH are aiming at with RH8.0.

I have switched to Mandrake 9.0 and was wondering if anyone can point me to how to bash script menu modifications... I like KDE3.0 but want to make my menu 'just the stuff I need, nothing that I don't' but as each reinstall means this has to be done again and Menuedit MenuDrake take a longtime to use... so I am wondering about installing/moving menu items via script....

Any pointers would be much appreciated....

James McD

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