Hi All,

Sorry for the lenght of the message; I tried to include all relevant
information to describe my problem.

I have a computer with a Lex Motherboard (www.bona.nl) and an AMD Duron
950Mhz CPU.
I though about upgrading the CPU to an AMD Athlon XP 2000.
i.a. with the persons that sold it to me, it was a question of inserting
the CPU and that's all กก
I put the CPU but the system did not boot: not beep, nothing (blank
I checked the manual and I needed to change the bus speed jumper from
100/200 to 133/266 and I do so.

I try it again with the same results: no beep, blank screen.

Because I have another CPU (AMD Athlon XP 1800Mhz) I decide to try
that one, and then everything is fine with that one.

I got information from the seller and he said I should upgrade the
BIOS. I do so but I get the same bad results with the 2000 Mhz:
not beep initial, blank screen, ...

Just in case it could be a problem of the CPU I decide to test it
on the other computer (Motherboard: kinetic K7) and the 2000 Mhz
Athlon works fine, so I guess the CPU is fine.

Finally I decide to let the computer like it was originally: with the
AMD Duron 950 Mhz and claim to the seller about the 2000 Mhz AMD XP.
I put the bus speed jumper again to 100/200, insert the AMD Duron 950
and boot the system, but when I try to get into linux (I have two
distros there: Suse 8.0 and debian woody 3.0) it tries to check
the HD with fsck and during the process it prompt me to run fsck
I do so and during the process of fixing some inodes I get an
error message (apparently from the kernel on a specific page) and
the system hang up.

I try the same process on the other linux and it happens exactly the

I get into a win98SE I have on the first partition of that computer
and initially everything is fine except when I try to create a CD
image with Nero then the system hang-ups.


I am performing now a "memtest" just in case but I am really lost about
what to do.

Maybe is the motherboard the one have problems ?

any suggestions ?

Murphy: it always happens the weekends.

Best regards,

Javi,         _____           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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     \_____(X)_(_)_(X)_____/  http://www.valux.org/
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