Roger Oberholtzer <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed thusly on
Thursday, March 13, 2003 1:45 PM:

> vfat support can be a kernel module. which may need to be
> loaded. To see what file systems your kernel supports:
>       cat /proc/filesystems

I get:

nodev   proc
nodev   devpts

Looks pretty limited to me.

> If it is not listed here, then try the next step. To see
> if it is a module on your system, check for an object
> called vfat.o: 
>       find /lib/modules -name vfat.o

Nothing.  Hm.  So it isn't compiled in, nor available as a module.  That may
explain why it is so braindead in filesystems (can't support a bunch of

> If you find a file called vfat.o, then it is a module and
> will need loading. If you don't find a module, it is
> either compiled in to the kernel (listed above) or not
> compiled at all... 
> But, given the error message, I don't thint that is it.
> How are you trying to mount it?
>       mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

Via the fstab entry (to lazy to type that much most of the time).  The line

/dev/sda  /fd   auto  noauto,user,sync  0 0

But it couldn't determine file type so I modified it to be vfat instead of

That was a pretty limited list for SuSE 7.3, so I did a check to see if it
had grabbed the LFS kernel by accident.  Nope, different dates and times and
sizes.  Rats!  Ah, well, rebuild is good for the soul.

Thanks, Roger.

In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

Tom  :-})

Thomas A. Condon
Barbershop Bass Singer
Registered Linux User #154358
A Jester Unemployed
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