On Friday 21 March 2003 5:20 pm, someone claiming to be Brad De Vries wrote:
> Does anyone know of a program to simply save a
> recording from a microphone?  I've installed and
> configured the kphone program, signed up for FWD
> (http://www.freeworldialup.com) and, before I make a
> complete fool of myself calling people, I wanted to
> check the levels on my microphone.

aumix, kmix, ??mix
There should be a mixer installed somewhere.

RedHat Psyche 8.0, stock kernel, KDE 3.1.CVS, Xfree86 4.2.1
  5:25pm  up 13 days, 42 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.08
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts

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