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Swapana Ghosh wrote:
| Hi
|     When i am processing 10,000 subscribers for the
| mailing list testing,  then the records took 15 mints
| to clear the qmail queue and after 15 mints i checked
| that all the records came to sendmail queue and then
| it started for clearing the queue.
|     But when the same testing i did with 50,000
| records, I guessed that altogether qmail willl take 75
| mints to clear its mailq?
|      But i saw that the processing became very slow in
| the middle. I mean sendmail was accepting the mail
| very slowly....And finally all the mails to come from
| qmail server to sendmail server, took almost 4 hrs....
|      As the qmail doc is telling that qmail clears the
| 50k queue in 1 hr or less(if it does not have any
| deferred mails) then.. what should i think ...Is it
| the sendmail that slagging down the process for
| handling the huge queue? Moreover the server i am
| using for processing the list where qmail is
| installed, it is
| intel XEON with multiprocessors - I mean physically 4
| CPUs are running..
|      I have now created 5 users and each users for
| 10,000   aliases, that means purposely i have
| distributed the records in between 5 users...
|      How can i process more quickly in my sendmail
| server.. I want that it will process its mail queue
| more quickly so that the qmail server can generate
| 50,000 records to sendmsail server within 1 hr or
| less....
|      In my earlier mail , i have posted the
| sendmail.mc file....
| Your suggession is always appreciated...
| Thanks again
| Best regards.
| -Swapna

To process the sendmail queue more frequently, check your init script for it. On a Red Hat system look at /etc/sysconfig/sendmail. It will show something like: DAEMON=yes QUEUE=1h

Change the QUEUE to something like 5m to process it once a minute. This
is extreme, so use it at your own risk.

- --
Andrew Mathews
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If a man has talent and cannot use it, he has failed.
                -- Thomas Wolfe
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