On 07/04/03 09:23, Kurt Wall wrote:

Quoth Net Llama!:
How did you install it? I've got the tarball running on 3 of my boxes, and my bookmarks are fine.

On 07/03/03 18:55, Kurt Wall wrote:

>This is fscking ridiculous - after I started Mozilla 1.4, it
>wiped out my existing bookmarks! If I hadn't had backup copy,
>I would be pissed off in the extreme. One more little surprise
>like this, and I'm wiping 1.4 off my machine and going back
>to something that behaves nicely. Right now, 1.4 is looking
>exceedingly bletcherous.

# cd /usr/local
# gzip -cd /archive/browser/mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4.tar.gz

Then, as a mortal user:

$ /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla &

weird. that's what i do too. what version were you running prior to installing 1.4? Did you run mozilla as root first? I believe that's neccesary to setup some funky internal registration that mozilla uses. I've always done it that way.

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L. Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo: http://netllama.ipfox.com

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