On 07/04/03 09:20, Kurt Wall wrote:
Point is - there may be something in the install/setup that's making it
seem as though something is wrong that isn't.  Not that I would suggest
any hint of 'pilot error' WRT a post from someone whose name I see on my

I appreciate the compliment, but I'm as prone to PEBCAK as anyone else.
If anything, the mistakes I make are more inscrutable than Joe Average.
The matter is aggravated by my insistence on tweaking everything in
sight - "stock" does not apply to much of my system. All that notwithstanding,
I "fixed" the font problem with some (in)judicious edits to $MOZILLA_HOME/default/pref/unix.js.

Maybe i'm just missing something glaringly obvious, but what is the value of using the mozilla installer on Linux? I've always just grabbed the naked tarball, and dumped it in /opt, and been done.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo:                    http://netllama.ipfox.com

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