I haven't gotten the binary installed yet.

Well, as much as I want to use a Mozilla product I just don'k know!  The 
original Mozilla is a bloated mass of email, etc. but won't let you use an 
external client (there are supposed to be incantations but none worked) so 
I was glad to hear they rethought and released just a browser - firebird.

However, firebird has problems not only with shockwave but I decided to see 
if I could use an external mail client.  I go to the help page and it can't 
be found!  It seems the Mozilla people have problems staying organized.  I 
may just load Opera and see how it works and put up with the banner add it 

Collins Richey wrote:

> On Fri, 04 Jul 2003 00:17:47 -0400
> "Brett I. Holcomb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Fails means I get a blank space where the shimmering U is supposed to
>> be and it asks if I want to download shockwave.  I say yes, nothing
>> happens.  I do have the flashplayer plugins in my
>> /usr/lib/MozillaFirebird directory but no workee!
>> Maybe it's because I did not use the binary but merged it from source.
>>  I
>> may merge that one.
>> I'm trying to get MozFirebird to run on the new Gentoo box.
> Just emerge lib-compat, then emerge mozilla-firebird-bin, then
> netscape-plugger and your choice of other plugins.

Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><
Registered Linux User #188143
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