What are the errors??  This is like pulling teeth here.  Maybe your CDROM
drive needs to have DMA turned on?

On Mon, 7 Jul 2003, Joel Hammer wrote:
> OK. More investigation. The transfer of many files goes fine until I try
> to tranfer a 34 meg tif file. All the preceding files are much smaller
> jpeg's. Whether I try cp, conqueror, or xv, nothing seems to read this
> file correctly, whereas it read ok with xp. Another 34 meg tiff also fails
> to read. So, is there some limit on file size with linux and cdrom's?
> I am using reiserfs on one box and ext2 on the other.
> Joel
> On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 06:41:12PM -0700, Net Llama! wrote:
> > On 07/07/03 17:37, Joel Hammer wrote:
> >
> > > At work I created a data cd with images, large and small (300kb up to
> > > 33 megs), with easy CD creator or some such.  I ran the option to make
> > > the cd readable by all cd readers. This was on windows 2000.
> > >
> > > At home, this disk refuses to load properly with caldera 2.4 on one box
> > > and lindows on a second box. The transfer just sorta gives up, with the
> > > few images that got transferred having file errors. I double boot xp on
> >
> > What kind of file errors?  You're not giving us much to go on here when you
> > don't provide any info on how you mounted the CD, how you attempted to
> > transfer he images, or the errors you're getting.

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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