On Sat, 12 Jul 2003, Joel Hammer wrote:

> OK. I have got cygwin, and I can access windows directories, and this
> looks very possible. I can download a lot of packages and they work. This
> could get habit forming.
> However, how does one install software that doesn't appear  in the
> menus when you run setup.exe? I need to install imagemagick's command
> line utilities, but I did not see imagemagick in the list of available
> programs.
FWIW, http://cygwin.com/packages/ doesn't list any variant of imagemagick, 
but http://cygwin.com/ported.html does reference 
ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ which apparently does.  
I've not installed a ported package yet, so I can help you there.

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