On Sat, 26 Jul 2003, Tom Jandl wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 10:32, Net Llama! wrote:
> > I finally bit the bullet, and decided to give Gentoo a whirl.  I opted to
> > build everything from scratch.  Stage1 went fine, however Stage2 completed
> > 1 with one error, however I can't figure out what that error is.  As a
> > result, I don't know if its safe to continue.  I'm also puzzled how
> > something that is completely built from the software that Gentoo provides
> > can have any build errors?
> Try "emerge rsync" to include the latest changes to the packages list. I
> have seen bad packages slip through that are updated within day or two.
> Then "emerge portage" to insure you are using the latest and greatest
> version.
> Next "emerge -p system" which will check for missing/outdated packages
> in the basic system and print a list of any that are missing or need to
> be updated.
> If any packages are listed in the above step, run "emerge system" to
> finish stage 2. Once finished with this you are ready to emerge whatever
> software you wish to add to the basic system.
> Without any error messages to go by, this is my best shot at getting
> stage 2 finished for you.

thanks for your help.  so i ran through this again, per your instructions,
and once again, i got:

>>> No outdated packages were found on your system.
 * Regenerating GNU info directory index...
 * Processed 49 info files: 1 errors; run with emerge --verbose to view
 * IMPORTANT: 1 config files in /etc need updating.
 * Type emerge --help config to learn how to update config files.

I see no errors in /var/log/emerge.log

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo                  http://netllama.ipfox.com
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