On 07/29/03 18:49, Keith Antoine wrote:

I am after 2 years or so still dissatisfied with Mandarke/SuSe, in point of fact I have after spending much money given Suse away and am thinkink of doing the same with Mandrake.

Mandrake is great but for one thing, installation of rpms through urpmi and all its inherant dependencies. If the rpm is not a mandrake compiled the it is fairly certain it will either reject it out of hand or the dependencies are an absolute menace.

Now what I want is the old Caldera back and updated, but that is a pipe dream of course. So I have Redhat 9.0 (shrike) and also Slackware 9.0 on cd's. As I do not wish, as I have done in the past, start a flame war: Could I ask for some detatched and dispasionate thoughts on both of these, ease of install also how good are they seeing 100% of hardware installed, no real big gotchas.

How arev they with tarball installs and also rpm's. How well do they stick to std program install no beta install or esoteric installs that need workrounds.

I am sure that you all know what I want, I have not asked for any others as I know little re the rest. However feedback would be appreciated, again I ask no "this is a great OS' without the reasons as to why. <grin> Now what have I started !!

If you're looking for overall ease of use, with something that is somewhat familiar then Redhat is definitely the way to go. Slackware will be completely foreign to you, as RPMs are really not part of the picture, and there's the entire filesystem layout which differs from just about all the others too.

I've been using RH9 on 2 laptops, and a workstation for about 3 months now, and have been quite pleased. And Redhat tends to have many more compatible RPMs than any other distro.

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