Keith Antoine wrote:

So I have Redhat 9.0 (shrike) and also Slackware 9.0 on cd's. As I do not wish, as I have done in the past, start a flame war: Could I ask for some detatched and dispasionate thoughts on both of these, ease of install also how good are they seeing 100% of hardware installed, no real big gotchas.

I made a decision about 1.5 years ago (upon realizing the death of Caldera was imminent) to spend my time learning only RH. I think it is the easiest distro to use simply because there is the most support for it. A great deal of the books you pick up will be written, if not exclusively, to a great extent for RH.

Basically it just works. I've rarely had it not find all my hardware, even a fair amount that was not supposed to be supported yet (like a USB 2.0 card last year). There are excellent independent sites that compile RPMs of packages that RH "forgot". Most commercial software has a pre-packaged RH version before anything else. It runs well on my ThinkPad 240Z (thanks DEP) not counting the WinModem.

And, oh yes, the RH documentation is excellent. I can actually find answers. Or if not answers, at least know how to ask the question. I refer to their docs often.

The BlueCurve GUI is controversial, but I think they have made a commendable attempt at something that badly needs doing - making the GUI consistent and usable for non-techies.

Their RH Update service makes it painless to keep up with security updates.

RH does occasionally do dumb things like include a 0.9x version of Mozilla (RH 7.3) and never update it to a production release. I wish it had some kind of decent LAN browser (aka Network Neighborhood). And I'll never get over the absence of Webmin and Caldera's "control panel" extensions.

I know nothing of Slackware, as I've heard you have to be 3 meters tall, weighing 200 kilos with chest hair like an Amazon rain forest. That description doesn't fit me, so I don't even try.

I wonder if we'll ever stop mourning for the once great Caldera (snif)?

Best regards from Arkansas,

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