On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, dep wrote:
> quoth Net Llama!:
> | On 07/29/03 19:29, Joel Hammer wrote:
> | > http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/3107613.stm
> | >
> | > It never stops.
> |
> | that's strange, it never started for me.  then again, i don't use M$
> | products.
> ah, but that scarcely matters. for instance, there's no mshit running
> here, but there certainly is some running on the same branch of the
> cable network, because bandwidth is being sucked up like you wouldn't
> believe. the effect is an internet connection equivalent to about a
> 14.4kbps modem on a 1-meg cable connection.
> so it's like a yugo -- doesn't matter whether it's yours or not if it
> breaks down at rush hour on the street on which you're trying to get to
> work.

I have DSL, not cable.  My bandwidth remains the same regardless of what
the rest of the planet's idiots are doing.

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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