On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 10:15:16AM -0400, dep wrote:
>quoth Net Llama!:
>| I have DSL, not cable.  My bandwidth remains the same regardless of
>| what the rest of the planet's idiots are doing.
>not true. when ie and outlook vulnerabilities are being exploited, which 
>is to say all the time, you're being hindered along the line, even if 
>you don't see it locally. there is x amount of bandwidth, and those 
>exploits consume y, leaving x-y for you and everyone else.

Not to mention things like ``Code Red'' and ``Nimda'' which were filling up
hard drives with Apache's logs at the height of their activity.  It got so
bad that we had to turn off logging for a while.

Our Linux router also rejects about 40,000 probes per day on ports with
known Microsoft security problems (e.g. SQL Server, ports 137-139, etc),
and general port scans.  The vast majority of these probes come from
cracked Windows systems that are being used without their owner's
knowledge.  This is a single T1 with two /24 networks.  Imagine the traffic
at sites with serious bandwidth and networks.

Another factor is that a huge percentage of the spam that's sent today now
goes through open proxy servers, mostly on Windows machines where the owner
doesn't even know they have a proxy server.

The simplest way for the average broadband Windows user to protect
themselves from much of this abuse is to install one of the commodity
cable/dsl router boxes that does NAT, and only allows outside connections
to machines on the inside network on specific ports that must be configured
manually.  We use quite a few LinkSys VPN router/switches (Part Number
BEFVP41) for this.  They're cheap, and their IPSec VPN tunnelling works
with Linux FreeS/WAN, FreeBSD, and OS X as well as the usual Windows IPSec

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:               camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:            (206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676
URL: http://www.celestial.com/

Breathe fire, slay dragons, and take chances. Failure is temporary, regret
is eternal.
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