Correction...  Users DO care WHY they were blocked, but they aren't going to
let you know that since they are using you as a vent-sink.
Those who are clueless are also calling their IT guy (yes, even SMB's have
those, contract or on-staff)

As for blocking, that's all well and good unless you actually USE or PAY for
your bandwidth.  Besides, tagging does nothing to help FIX the problem!  At
least RBL's feedback to the administrators telling them one of two things:
1) Get a clue and learn how to configure your servers
2) Stop the crap and play nice on this, our Internet.

If email doesn't go through because of a well-chosen blacklist (this includes
RBL's which actually block SPAM servers, which I left out of my early post),
the problem is theirs to fix, not yours.  The reason you choose RBL's
CAREFULLY, is because not all RBL's are created equal.  SpamCop and (most of)
Osirusoft are pretty reputable.  What I mean by that is, they are
deterministic (they take complaints, verify when possible, and take action)
and they are reasonable for removing a server.  This allows those servers
which were blacklisted by mistake (Administrator mistake, that is) are able to
correctly configure their server and easily submit a request and be removed
from the RBL.

I'm sorry, but Email administration is a job.  You have to learn how to do it.
 There are many tools available to make it simpler, but as in all skilled
trades, it helps to have friends who can help you learn...  Don't bicker to
Computerworld about your email getting blocked or your site blocking email. 
Fix the problem.  Either reconfigure your servers, STOP SENDING SPAM, or don't
use certain RBL's.  My point is that the bad RBL's don't make the good RBL's
any less good.  Just don't use the bad ones...

Examples of what is generally good to use (in format):
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `Dialup servers rejected by
policy -- use the mail server your ISP provides')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `', `')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `', `')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `', `')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `', `')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `', `')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `', `')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `', `')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `')dnl
        *note: you can pick and choose which to use.  I recommend using the
        Dialups RBL, and OpenRelay RBL and a couple others.  I recommend 3-4
        per server, but some very reputable professionals are running as many
        as 6 or 7 on major servers.

Examples of what NOT to use:
selward         (
urbl            (The Ultimate RBL-Blocks all of IPv4 :)
510             (
Spews           (
DorkSlayers     (
Unfonfirmed     (
MultiHop        (

On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 15:24:28 -0400
Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1. It wasn't *me* blocking it.
> 2. They couldn't care in the least why they were blocked.
> 3. Half of those who *would* care, are clueess as to how to get it fixed.
> Fine, identify open relays and have them fixed, obviously tag mail as 
> spam, but don't *block* the mail from its intended recipient.

Matthew Carpenter 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                

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