Quoth Tom Marinis:
> I'm in agreement with you, but this is the test argument
> that many Linux supporters have feared would occur.  This is
> the really last mountain to climb really, for Linux world
> wide acceptance.

I'm happy to see the GPL tested. I also believe it will stand
up. SCO's legal theory is just plain nonsense. If I own the
copyright to something, I can do anything I want with it. IANAL,
but SCO's argument falls over because the notion that I can only
make 1 copy of a piece of software is impenetrably stupid - it
simply doesn't apply because, as copyright holder, _I_ am the
one who can dispense (or not) authorization to make copies of
my copyrighted work.

> GPL is finally going to challenged in a FEDERAL court,
> and if it is deemed in any way vague, mis-leading,
> faulty, or maybe even politically incorrect, SCO's
> case is made.  IBM will have to pay, and all the software
> at the FSF must be under copyright.

It already _is_ copyrighted - GNU project software has copyright
assigned to the FSF. You have to file paperwork with the FSF
in order to make any substantive contributions to official GNU

> That costs money, and guess who's got a lot of money
> in the bank to spend to entice a lot of programmers out
> there who haven't made almost any money for their software?

This is true, as far as it goes, but an awful lot of people
write code because they want to, not because they get paid
to do it.

> Kurt's Right;  He should have greeted the corporate heads
> from SCO at the front door at Caldera a few years
> back with his shotgun.  Put some sense into them... 

No, what I said was that I'd be happy to pay the license fee 
if Darl McBride showed up at my door to request it and survived
the blast from my street howitzer. That's quite a different
statement from a threat to show up SCO's front door and start
shooting - which is _not_ what I would do, BTW.

To every Ph.D. there is an equal and opposite Ph.D.
                -- B. Duggan
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