We just got a new CIO at the university where I work. One thing he is about to do is get rid of all the different mail systems and have one big combined system for all employees and students. That'll be about 50,000 users.
At the moment the predominant faculty/staff mail system is Lotus Domino on windows 2k and the predominant system for students is Sun Internet Mail Server on Solaris. He intends to replace these with ms exchange on windows 2k. There is a small chance he will listen to suggestions to consider non-exchange options.
Any suggestions?
Jason Joines
The recent virii incidents ought to be sufficiently fresh to make a point about downtime vulnerability. At the U of MN students can connect inside the firewall. A single machine infected outside and then logging in inside will compleatly bypass the firewall.
I am not sure about cost savings specifically but linux should mean fewer machines, therefore fewer support resources, therefore fewer ongoing costs. In the current economy, universities seem to be getting squeezed pretty good.
It all depends on the CIO's goal. If he wants to have the largest staff and biggest budget, stress the threat of downtime. (It is already assumed that he is susceptible to FUD, at least from M$.) If he wants to show efficiency and budget cutting know how, stress simplicity and cost savings.
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