On Thu, 4 Sep 2003, Tom Wilson wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 03:22, Jean Sagi wrote:
> > Lotto? What do you mean?... Baloto perhaps...
> >
> > Chucho!
> Here in America, many states have what they call a Lotto.  What happens
> is you go to a local convenience store and purchase a Lotto ticket for a
> US $1 a ticket.  They usually have 6 numbers on them from 1 to 40 or
> so.  Then once a week they draw numbers out of a contraption that has a
> bunch of numbered ping pong balls in it and you hope that the six you
> picked (or had randomly generated) on your ticket are the same six that
> pop up out of the ball machine.  Is so you win the jackpot of generally
> some tens to hundreds of millions of dollars.
> Most people don't win.  Thus you have to pretty lucky if you do.

As someone once said, the Lottery is a tax on the mathematically ignorant.

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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