
Yes, I work for Neanderthals.  So we have to use windows.  Not only that, on
our home page they have quit "supporting" Netscape.  This means that they
code the web site to only work for ie.  Around here IT stands for
Intellectually Truncated.  Consequently I have to open the evil browser now
and again to get things like my virus update.  Oddly, Netscape 4.5 works
with the virus update link.  But Netscape 7.02 doesn't.

"So," I says to my self, "how about if I just tell Netscape to pretend it is
IE?  Then what?"

"Well," says myself back to me, "why don't you try it and see?"

Problem is, I don't know how to do that with Netscape.  I don't find it
anywhere.  I know how to tell Konqueror to pretend it is ie, but not
Netscape.  Can anyone out there help me find this setting?


Tom  :-})

Thomas A. Condon

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