Stuart Biggerstaff wrote:
> In about:config, the list appears to be alphabetical in Mozilla 1.3.1
> for Windows on my system, and it looks like you can add values if you
> right-click on any entry in the display.  (But I'm no expert--I
> didn't know about it till Lonni mentioned it.)

Thanks.  I'd found it from the true name (from one of the descriptions Mike
sent) - General.useragent.xxxxx.  There are several entries, and I'll play
with them to see what I can come up with.
> On the other hand what's wrong with using IE for just this?  Since
> you have to use Windows anyway...

Very simply, principles.

I do use IE for *this*.  I don't like to have to change browsers to
accomplish a task that should be done easily with *any* browser.  Who, in
their right mind, would write software to update the virus protection on all
the networked machines (thousands here) that is more difficult to use than
necessary?  Only those who have bought into M$'s party line.  The help desk
actually tells me that "We don't support any browser but Internet Explorer.
It makes it too much work to code to several standards."  Each time we hold
this conversation I reply that they only need to code to one standard, the
one on the internet.  The only *PUBLISHED* one.  The only *REAL* one.

Tom  :-})

Thomas A. Condon

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