On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Tim Wunder wrote:

> On 9/10/2003 5:34 PM, someone claiming to be Jorge Almeida wrote:
> > On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Tim Wunder wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >> Just the obvious question: Are you connecting to the sound card
> >> with a stereo plug?
> >> 
> >> A stereo plug will have two obvious contact areas on it (they'll
> >> look like black stripes) for the left and right channels. Just
> >> becasue you have a Y-cable that connect 2 wires into 1 doesn't mean
> >>  the output from the 1 connector will be stereo.
> >> 
> > 
> > Hmmm... I'm not using any Y cable. The cable connects the line-out of
> > a walkman cd player to the line-in of the sound card.
> OK, do the connectors on both ends of THAT cable have two contact 
> points?  The *important* thing is that the soundcard needs to get a left 
> and right channel.
Yes. The connectors are of the same kind that comes with the headphones. I checked the 
cable with a technician and it was OK. Nevertheless, I'm told that when the cable is 
plugged into the line-in jack and the other end of the cable is unplugged, I should 
ear noise when touching the connectors of the latter end with a metal probe. I don't 
ear that noise (out of the columns nor the headphones).
Actually, the thing seems to work now with another O$, but not with linux (it wasn't 
so before, can't figure what changed).
> > ... I know I can
> > get stereo out of the cable when I connect the headphones to it.
> You connect headphones to the same cable? Don't your headphones connect 
> to the walkman directly and not to some adapter cable?
I meant I connected the headphones to the walkman (or to the TV) with the said cable 
in the middle, for testing purposes (the cable is actually a male-female extension 
connected with a male-male one; I checked both pieces).
> > ... I
> > also can get stereo out of the card (into the headphones, or into the
> > columns+subwoofer, from another output jack) when playing a .wav file
> > out of the HD. What I can't get is stereo from the line-in, nor any
> > sound at all from the (internal) cdrom drives (a CDRW and a DVD
> > drive); I don't know whether these two issues are related. Thanks for
> > any help.
> A cable from the CD drives to the sound card is required to get sound 
> from the CD drives. Also you mixer settings must have that line enabled.
I have analog (3-pins) cables from the (internal) analog connector of the drive to the 
corresponding internal connector in the card. I use Kmix for mixing, and also tryed 

I'm beginning to think that this is a driver problem. I would try alsa if I knew 
whether it's supposed to work with Audigy2 (I couldn't get any clear information about 
this, and uninstalling alsa in case it doesn't work is a real pain, not to mention the 
time KDE needs to compile...).

Thank you for your help,
Jorge Almeida

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