On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 09:34:28 -0500
"David A. Bandel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 07:21:25 -0500
> Michael Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> > 
> > But I'm dreaming again. If that flagship of New Americanism (Dept. of 
> > Homeland Implosion) can't see it, then likely will few others.
> You're scary.  Is this what Americans (US Citizens in this context)
> think of this Homeland Security thing?  If so, holy fsck.
> Homeland Security, since its inception, has looked and sounded like a
> new Nazi SS.  I didn't server 20 years in the US Military to have the US
> turned into a police state, but it looks more and more like that every
> day.
> To wit:
> The feds had been after a major drug manufacturer (a chemist who was
> making crack, etc, in large quantities).  I agree he should be jailed
> forever.  But ...
> The feds couldn't catch him under the normal rules, so they relabeled
> him a chemical weapons manufacturer and grabbed him under the new
> anti-terrorism laws.
> I'm sorry, but this abuse of power by power-hungry agencies is way
> beyond reasonable.  While I'm glad the bastardīs in jail, I'm extremely
> unhappy with the way he got there.  Welcome to the Police State of
> America (where you might be next for using Linux instead of M$).  I
> expect the RIAA will start pushing to label file sharers as terrorists
> next.
> I'm appalled and disgusted and glad to be living outside the US at this
> point in time.

While I respect your opinion, I find it to be rather simplistic.

Here's my own.  I wish that I lived in a time and place where Homeland Security
were not necessary.  I have yet to hear about (and I doubt that I will) of any
actions taken by Homeland Security that have a negative effect on average, peace
loving, hard working citizens.  If the new law of the land means that we now
have additional tools to eliminate the scum of the earth (the chemist fits the
description), that's great. 

If the Homeland Security guys want my library usage record, they are welcome to
it- mystery readers have little to fear. Somehow I doubt that a library reader
whose only straying from the fold is to read a bomb making manual has nothing to
fear.  If, however, that same reader has known associations with hardline groups
that advocate violence and spends most of his time with Arab/Moslem groups
(non-citizens) that support Hamas (spelling?) or other Jihad groups, then I
believe that Homeland Security has every reason to follow his activities
closely, and I applaud their efforts.

Homeland Security is scarcely the same as the Nazi SS.  Where and when, pray
tell, have they descended upon any innocent group of citizens, knocking heads
and breaking up property?  You could, however, make the case that the
ATF (remember Waco) has used Nazi tactics. And besides, we have had an active
Nazi SS organization for decades - the IRS <grin>.. 

Collins Richey - Denver Area
if you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the 
worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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