dep wrote:

quoth Terry Bassett:

| It is more than chilling to watch Ascroft's sneering attitude as...

providing some examples of ashcroft's religious fanaticism -- i keep hearing about it and keep watching for it, post-clinton, is isn't what is used to be...

Ah, sir your rapier wit pierces me mightily. But have you not heard Ashcroft speeches to church groups, professing to stop abortions on religious grounds, or perhaps that sounds reseaonable to you. If the Government can rule over a womans belly then there really is no limit to their power. It is only a tiny step to watch your bedroom or your living room or your outdoor activities. All of which can be done under the current Patriot Act. Ascroft's church speech was on C-span as I recall.
The neo-America is the one I live in today. It was not born because of 9/11 but of events a few days later, when the decisions were made to create the new entity of Homeland security. It is the extremely powerful new form of counter-terrorism formed to be used here in America, in the name of National Security. The CIA now has its own private Army. The last time they had a private army, they ended up to their necks in the Golden Triangle drug trade and even weather modification experiments in Southeast Asia. Things have already ran out of control is what I am saying. Currently further additions to the Patriot Act are in the offing and will only make the neo-America harder to remove from power.
And, yes I wrote a mis-formed sentence, if you read it as though I was here at the start of the Republic. My relatives were though, maybe I just feel a certain ownership towards the America of my ancestors and would like to pass on the essence of that America to my children.

Terry Bassett

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