Philip J. Koenig wrote:

On 18 Sep 2003 at 18:59, dep boldly uttered:

quoth Philip J. Koenig:
| On 18 Sep 2003 at 10:56, Collins Richey boldly uttered:
| > Homeland Security is scarcely the same as the Nazi SS.  Where and
| > when, pray tell, have they descended upon any innocent group of
| > citizens, knocking heads and breaking up property?
| The US government has already been detaining people simply because
| they are of "middle eastern descent".  There was quite an uproar in
| Southern California about this, and not by the people who are in
| danger (because they're afraid of the consequences) but from other
| citizens who are appalled by the police-state tactics.
| There have actually been a number of politicians who have suggested
| we need to re-institute internment camps, just like we had in WWII.
| According to most historians, that was a pretty dark day in the US's
| history, and here we have "community leaders" merrilly suggesting we
| do it again.

<bunches of snips>

I have little doubt it would make much impact on your avowed opinion, so I'm not going to waste my time doing your research for you.

i'm not at all certain that anything except the reputation of california is cemented by repeating wild and generally erroneous doobietalk of the sort you have proffered.

Open mouth, insert foot.

I think if anyone would do a little research they would find that the agriculture lobby and commercial fishing lobby were the prime forces in putting the Japanese/Americans in the camps. Those people lost all they had. I know of only one family that got back their farm in/near Riverside, California. The War Department (formere Defense Dept.) knew the Japanese didn't have enough fuel to reach the U.S. Guarding the West Coast was just a method of instilling "patriotism" and making "Real Americans" think they were being protected while the big farmers and fishing companies robbed the American/Japanese was a great way to do it.

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