On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 13:29:21 +0800
Chong Yu Meng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Ever since I posted a message to the Smallville newsgroup (yes, I
> watch that stuff. If you didn't grow up watching Christopher Reeve as
> Superman and Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman, well, you wouldn't
> understand), I've been getting a lot of spam mail. As I am on a Linux
> machine, the attachment (Content type is audio/x-midi;
> name="henn.exe", but the filename varies, though the EXE extension
> does not) does nothing. However, it displays an intriguing little grey
> square in the email message.
> The message body typically says that a message was undeliverable. The 
> originating and terminating addresses are bogus. I have 2 questions:
> 1. How do I track down the origin of the mail ? I'm just curious as to
> what other people do when they want to track down these mails.

Just look at the full header.  It shows the originating IP right at the

> 2. Does anybody know what the attachment does? Some links to computing
> resources would help, though I find some of the sites so verbose as to
> be next to useless. Anything for the lay person?

Probably either a virus or XXX-spam.  Of course, you have to be stupid
enough to run Windoze and Outhouse or Outhouse Distress so the file runs
automagcally.  Either way it will infect your system with a virus or a
non-removable link that will open a porn site and probably send this
virus to all your friends so they can see how dumb you are.


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
                Nemesis Racing Team motto
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