On Thu, 2003-10-30 at 23:12, Michael Hipp wrote:
> Rdesktop works like a champ as a way to get into a W2k Server box and 
> run Win apps. But it appears it will only work for 90 days unless I 
> cough up some *more* $ to MS.
> (I own more licenses of various MS junk than any 3 people I know. The 
> idea of having to buy yet another license in order to run apps on an O/S 
> I already own seems ludicrous). Is there some alternative?
> Michael

It isn't rdesktop that is the problem.  It would be your temporary TS
access license expiring.  The only way I can think of to trick it is
change the name of your pc connecting to it.  It may issue a new
temporary license then.  There used to be an option, -l I think, that
was for "don't request a license".  But it looks like it was done away

Do you have any purchased TS CAL's at all for the server?  If so,
rdesktop should pick one up just fine.  At least it has for me.  I use
it at the office and at home to login remotely.  Haven't had a problem
with either.  If not, I dunno.  You may have to  pay the devil.

Tom Wilson 
McSwain Carpets 
513.771.1400 x124 
Thus mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know
what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true. --
Bertrand Russell
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