On 11/10/03 19:25, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
Anyone have any experience with SBC Yahoo DSL and Linux?  I believe it's
PPPoE setup but I can't figure out how to generate or find a username and
password...  Then, I'm attempting to use an ethernet card to plug into the
DSL Modem.  So far I've seen nothing.  SBC Yahoo wants you to install their
DSL Dialer software from CD...  Anyway, if you have any advice, that would
be great!

I've been using it at home for nearly 18 months, without any problems. Its a standard PPPoE setup. The email address is the username, the password is, well, the password.

Let me know if you need further assitance.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo:                    http://netllama.ipfox.com

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