More often than not, this is caused by a full partition, usually /tmp will be 
the culprit.  Check to see if any of your partitions are full or very close 
to it.


On Thursday July 19, 2001  4:13 pm, Mark Heinrich wrote:
> I tried that but the .xsessions-error file was empty.  I looked at the
> security log file and it show that the I logged into the kde session and
> then right back out of it.  We would I find the kde error log?  Also when I
> tried to log into failsafe mode as a regular user - I couldn't.  It would
> kick me back out the login screen.  Again the security log file showed that
> I logged in and back out again right away.  Help would be greatly
> appreciated!! TIA
> Mark

  4:42pm  up 13 days,  5:46,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
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