On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 01:17:43 -0400
dep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> or you have a clue-enabled isp who knows his way around filters. i've 

ok, that sounds more like it ;)

> gotten scads of 'em on the earthlink account, but nothing on any of 
> the others. which is about what i would have expected -- in my 
> experience, earthlink sucketh bigtime. my other provider is exacting 
> and security-conscious, a small operation that is run by a guy who is 
> responsible for what happens there.

that would make all the difference in the world alright, small is good
in this case. iirc, my provider (telus) bills itself as #2 in size here
in Canada and they seem to be pretty much on the ball. quite a few of
their adsl techies are *nix freaks - which is kinda handy when things go
*bang* and you're not sure if it was them or you that b0rked things. ;)
in fact, it was one of their dial-up help-desk people who first turned
me on to linux way back when - right after i said 'what do you mean
reformat the drive and reinstall !?! again !!? blah! blah! blah! there's
got to be *something* better than this!!'. all he said was 'do a search
on google.com for linux... but you didn't hear that from me' =)

Myles Green Calgary AB Canada
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