What you probably need to do is move $HOME/.kde2 to $HOME/.kde_backup.  Log 
out of the user and log back in.  This will reset all the settings and stuff 
for kde.  The config files for kde and various apps are in 
$HOME/.kde2/share/config/*.  Be careful what config files you move back 
because one of the files in $HOME/.kde2 is your problem.


On Thursday July 26, 2001  5:35 pm, Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Thursday 26 July 2001 08:29, Rick Sivernell wrote:
> > List
> >
> >     KDE is so fxxxxxx bad. It now looses it self. Can not set
> > configuration in Control center. Set config in kmail and logoff relogin
> > you reset kmail configs. This is nonsense and is totally bad code. It can
> > not have been tested by kde developers at all.  I have copied .kde2 to
> > .kde. Also kmail after running a while says it can not talk to klauncher.
> > Any one have any ideas how how to fix this.
> >
> > Thanks
> So just what version of KDE are you running?
> 2.1.2 runs fine on SuSE 7.2.

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