On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 23:21:20 +1130 Mike Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday 30 July 2001 23:03, Jerry McBride wrote:
> > I just had a thought... You should automate your kernel compile porcess
> > too... Here's a script I use to get the job done, while I'm out doing more
> [snip]
> > then
> >    cp -f /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/newkernel
> >    /sbin/lilo
> > else echo "**** kernel compile failed! ****"
> > fi
> it has one doozy of an error, type dmesg | more *after* you boot this kernel 
> if you're curious, otherwise simply insert the following
> > then
> >    cp -f /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/newkernel
> -----------
> > mv /boot/System.map somewhere_safe
> >  cp  /usr/src/<linux>/System.map /boot
> ------------
> >    /sbin/lilo
> > else echo "**** kernel compile failed! ****"
> > fi
> There are variations on the above theme. Rh for instance names the 
> System-1.2.3.map and provides a symlink, but the above is sound enuff.

Hi Mike.

I just did a newkernel with the script I supplied and here's what turned up in


The "map" file and "ndewkernel" both have the same time/date stamp. "map" has
always turned up on it's own when I compile new kernels. As for checking dmseg
after booting the new kernel... I don't see any errors or complaints listed...
what am I to look for?

Cheers... I'm off to the office. From what I gather from this weekends gosip...
I have a dead server to look at... Oh... boy... ;'(


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