Hello all...

As some on you may know, I'm in the market for a new CDRW drive. My old an
trusted Yamaha 4416s finally turned belly up and... I'm looking. The one thing
I noticed while surfing for a good deal, IDE drives far outnumber scsi and
quite frankly, they're cheap as hell when compared to their scsi counterparts.
Since I'm nearly 100% scsi here... I'm a bit confused what to do... I've never
had the IDE CDRW experience and so I here asking:

Is anyone here using an IDE cdrw? I'm curious how well it's working and if you
would recommend your particular model.

My main area of concern is being able to do "on-the-fly" cdr generation, like I
was able to do with my old scsi drive...

Thank you, in advance.

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