On Sun, 5 Aug 2001 11:22:04 -0700 (PDT) Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> > My main area of concern is being able to do "on-the-fly" cdr
> > generation, like I
> > was able to do with my old scsi drive...
> I'm not sure that "on-the-fly" means, 

Copy from a cdrom reader directly to the cdr writer. The CDRDAO package works
great like this. CDRECORD will do the same madness... you pipe the output from
MKISOFS to CDRECORD... no files written to harddisk. The only worry about this
is... you need good trhough-put.... everywhere... and I'm not sure how an IDE
will fit into this scheme.

> At any rate, begin & end your
> search at www.pricewatch.com.  

I live there. :') Also www.pricecombat.com... I managed to find a new, leftover
yamaha 4416s for $105.00. I was just interested to see if the IDE stuff was any
good... You can find IDE CDRW's for as little as $50.00 new...

Thanks for the post, Lonni. Cheers.


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