On Fri, 31 Aug 2001 08:32:19 +1000 Keith Antoine

> Well I have have been complaining about not being able to write a
> boot disk,
> that will boot me up from any source. I have tried a bzdisk and also
> the 
> initial rescue disk,non of which worked as it karked it with an
> error on boot
> cannot boot from 03.90................ I have had a brand NEW
> motherboard 
> fall over and die (DFI with DDR ram). Seeing that I had to
> re-install I made
> both /boot and / as ext2 and left the rest as reiserfs. On reboot
> the rescue 
> disk workas as does one of the bzdisks that I made previously.
> So on this setup of mine reiserfs is not a real option, it also
> shows that its
> not a reliable file system as yet either, as it MUST work properly
> under all 
> conditions and it plainly does not, as yet!


I'm not sure what you're driving at.  Is it a rescue system floppy you
are looking for, or is it a floppy to boot bootable partitions on your
disk.  If it's the latter, both Lilo and Grub work admirably there. 
Grub, however, does not support as many systems.  I have an XFS
partition now, so I'm back to using Lilo.

The only thing you need to change in lilo.con is boot= /dev/fd0, and
Lilo will crate a boot disk for you.

Collins Richey
Denver Area
jblinux 2.2 xfce sylpheed opera
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