My son has succumb to pressure from the old man to use linux full time (that 
and he couldn't get windows to install for some reason and I refused to help 
him...). So taking in the advice of dep's latest .comment on linuxplanet, I'm 
trying to be a good guru. Unfortunately, he's asked a question that I don't 
know the answer to.
He's downloaded a couple of mozilla nightlies and has liked what he's seen. 
His initial comment was something like, "wow, that's fast". Of course, the 
last time he tried Mozilla was probly two months ago. Anyway, I walked him 
thru downloading a nightly tar binary and extracting it to a local folder to 
run and he seemed happy with that. Now, though, he wants to automate the 
So he asked me if it could be done and how. I told him that I'm sure it could 
be done, but I don't know how. SO the task at hand is to downoad the latest 
mozilla nightly and untar it to a local folder autmatically every night. Any 
scripting gurus out there wanna share their expertise with a budding 13-year 
old linux geek?

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