Glenn Williams wrote:

> Hi, Tim:
> What is a "mozilla nightly?"
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Glenn

Mozilla - the open source development project for Netscape 6 (and some other, 
lesser known, companies) - builds versions of the browser package every day 
with the latest changes and calls them nightlies. It's quite different using a 
nightly than a point release. You get additional bug fixes *and* bugs. 
Sometimes the thing won't even run (which is what my son found out this morning).

Typically, I'll pull a nightly down every couple of days to see how things are 
coming along.

More info can be found at


> On Thursday 06 September 2001 19:41, you wrote:
>>My son has succumb to pressure from the old man to use linux full
>>time (that and he couldn't get windows to install for some reason and
>>I refused to help him...). So taking in the advice of dep's latest
>>.comment on linuxplanet, I'm trying to be a good guru. Unfortunately,
>>he's asked a question that I don't know the answer to.
>>He's downloaded a couple of mozilla nightlies and has liked what he's
>>seen. His initial comment was something like, "wow, that's fast". Of
>>course, the last time he tried Mozilla was probly two months ago.
>>Anyway, I walked him thru downloading a nightly tar binary and
>>extracting it to a local folder to run and he seemed happy with that.
>>Now, though, he wants to automate the process.
>>So he asked me if it could be done and how. I told him that I'm sure
>>it could be done, but I don't know how. SO the task at hand is to
>>downoad the latest mozilla nightly and untar it to a local folder
>>autmatically every night. Any scripting gurus out there wanna share
>>their expertise with a budding 13-year old linux geek?
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