On Saturday 08 September 2001 12:57 pm, you wrote:
> Perhaps someone cann shine some light on an issue for me:
> I have having an issue printing using CUPS from Konqueror.
> COL Server 3.1 on a Celeron-450,
> Canon BJC7004
> URL causing problem:
> http://www.brasseagle.com/products/product_detail.asp?item_num=1410&cat=Mar
> Problem: error_log shows the following (note the "stopped with status
> 32!"):
> I [08/Sep/2001:13:45:06 -0500] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops
> (PID 5087) for job 16.
> I [08/Sep/2001:13:45:06 -0500] Started filter
> /usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic (PID 5088) for job 16.
> I [08/Sep/2001:13:45:06 -0500] Started backend
> /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 5089) for job 16.
> E [08/Sep/2001:13:45:07 -0500] PID 5088 stopped with status 32!
> This is a problem since I'm attempting to print out Christmas Gift ideas
> for my wife! <G>  I haven't been able to find what that error message
> means...
> Thanks all
> Matt


   I just printed your page, the stingray paint pistol to my HP2000Cxi acroos 
the network here at my SOHO. I set the printer on my wife's machine and print 
by samba to it. Works great. Even Solaris prints now thru linux to winderssss.
Just used the control center setup as root.

Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1
Registered Linux User

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