I have been asked by my Medical Practioner (Dr/Friend) who looks after
me on a regular basis, does a fantastic job BTW, for some advice which I
feel needs some more indepth perspective that I have.

His name is Dr. Greg Silver and the clinical practice has a number of
Doctors in attendance daily. In each surgery there resides a computer
workstation as well as at the front desk. It is also has a presence on
the internet as well as being able to hook into various medical

The question posed was the ability of linux to handle the Microsoft
software and traffic, the elimination of virii and security. Lastly the
ability of linux per se to handle microsoft SQL database's

Now I would appreciate anyone replying to [EMAIL PROTECTED] directly
and cc me a copy so as I can keep a handle on this
for my info. I have give Greg a somewhat pruned talk on linux and its
capabilities but would bve grateful to the better daily informed
literati in this group if they would put in their two cents worth,
specifically as I am not ofay with SQL and databases.

I am sure that I can rely on Douglas, Dep, Lonni, Burns and their ilk to
put it into laymans language................... Muchly ta Guys.

Keith Antoine aka "skippy"
18 Arkana St The Gap Qld 4061 Australia::    Ph: 617 33002161
Retired professional geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer: Bullshit

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