At 07:23 PM 9/12/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Do let us know if you feel the same way once your entire network is

Oh, to be sure...

Apparently you are not familiar with OTP (One time passwords) and secure

True, but I don't see how what that has to do with firewalls.

>No, using a decent OS would have stopped code red.  Here's a newsflash:
>Code red only affected M$ servers.

Have you ever heard of a firewall for Windows? How stupid do you think I am? 

I presumed that all my readers are smart enough to know that I meant "would putting a 
firewall (Take, for example, BlackIce) on an unpatched Windows server have protected 
it from CodeRed"

>> full access to pop3 SMTP (incoming) HTTP FTP and SSH from everywhere.
>And you're tunneling all of the above through SSH correct?

Ever tried to tell your Outlook-Express-using clients to run connect via ssh? 

Ever told the people who access your web site that they have to use a browser that 
connects to port 80 via ssh?

Have you ever told your biggest customer that you didn't appreciate their policy of 
using FTP because it passes passwords in plain text?

No, I didn't imagine you had...

>No, using encryption will.

And we use encryption where possible.

>And they dont' get in if you know how to properly secure your network.

Which is why I'm 1. trying to learn and 2. working on it and 3. have already done alot 
of work on it.

>So, we have to be nice to you, as you flaunt your ignorance with extreme

My previous post was not arrogant. Would you say also that your reply is not?

>THen stop shooting off your mouth. 

Asking for opinions, while freely admitting you don't know everything, qualifies as 
shooting off your mouth?

> THe fact that you are responsible
>for any corporate network is truly sickening.  Do your superiors know
>that you are utterly unqualified for your position?

Yes, they do. Thanks.

Jonathan Wilson
System Administrator

Cedar Creek Software
Central Texas IT

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