Keith Antoine wrote:
> Joel Hammer wrote:
> > > those who cry out for no restraints on personal freedoms will happily
> > > point out to you that, as has been the case on the lirr and elsewhere
> > > in the past, one good man with a gun would have solved the problem
> > > with considerably less loss of life.
> > > --
> > I agree. Why they don't arm the pilots is beyond me.
> > Joel
> Something was mooted on radio here today:
> Why aren't the bulkheads or doors to the cabin armour plated and locked
> so as noone can enter.

The main argument used here (up to this point) is the weight of such a
bulkhead.  It may not seem like much in the overall scheme of things, 1
- 2 thousand pounds per aircraft to make the cockpit enclosure near
impenetrable.  However, carry that added weight out over a fleet of
aircraft and it would literally be millions yearly in added cost in the
fuel used to carry the extra weight.

> Why are there no suveillance cameras installed so as the pilots can see
> whats going on.

That way the pilots watch what's happening in front of the
aircraft...not in the cabin.  A far better solution IMO would be air
Marshall's, although that is not without it's drawbacks...but that's
another debate. :)

> Lastly why isn't the cabin on a seperate environment
> so as the cabin crew could unleash a fairly harmless gas to put ALL to sleep till it 
>could land
> with a sombulent cargo??

Keep in mind, that the hijackers are often times, as we saw, willing to
die.  If this gas was released into the cabin, they would not fall
asleep instantly.  Although it sounds feasible, they would no doubt
start shooting people, windows, doors etc. and do everything in their
power to ensure that they are not taken alive.  A bullet hole at 450
knots and 35,000 feet soon makes a very serious problem.  You mentioned
in one other post, the "flying colander" theory. When at altitude and
pressurized, an aircraft is constantly exerting several hundred pounds
of explosive force on each square foot of it's pressure envelope.

I have a strong feeling that the real answer is that you and I, all of
us, are going to undergo far more scrutiny when traveling than we have
to this point.  In an attempt to keep hijackers and terrorists off of
airplanes in the first place.  Let's concentrate on treating the
sickness, not the symptoms don't you think?

My $.02 ... maybe $.03.
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