I am afraid...

I am afraid of those who would, in mindless persuit of some increase in
security discard the freedoms that so many have fought and died to preserve.
Benjamin Franklin observed that "those who would sacrifice essential
freedoms for a little security will soon have neither."  If we sacrifice
any of the Bill of Rights for the sake of some false image of safety,
whether acting in some "War Against Drugs", or in a "War Against Terror",
the enemy has already won.  Finding a way to achieve our goals that does
not demolish our own foundations in freedom is sometimes hard - but 
always worthy.

I am afraid of those who would blindly strike at a wide area in persuit of
vengence and security.  The feelings of satisfaction are only temporary,
and the consequences of ill considered action last a long time.

I am afraid of those who are overeager to "send in the troups" to destroy
any possible target that even _might_ be involved in supporting those who
have committed terrorism.  "The troups" are not mindless grunts waiting to
die as a tool of policy.  They are _your_ brothers/sisters/mothers/fathers/
cousins.  Both the enlisted and officer corps are often highly educated and
trained.  They are sworn to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.
Before you blindly scream "SEND IN THE TROUPS", ask yourself if you are so
sure of the cause in which you send them that YOU YOURSELF ARE WILLING TO
VOLUNTEER TO BE ONE OF "THE TROUPS".  Is this cause worthy of the expenditure
of their lives?  Is it worthy of yours?

I am afraid of those who are blindly attacking American muslims and anyone
who appears to be of middle-eastern descent.  In the barbaric attack on the
WTC and Pentagon, one of the goals is to deepen the rift between communities
in the U.S., both creating more civil unrest, and widening the base of
concealment and operations available here.  You serve our enemies well when
you mouth the words or take the actions of bigotry, racism, and hatred.

I am afraid for the families of those in the Reserves and National Guard.
We heard in the Gulf War that there was no "War Tax".  There _WAS_ a war
tax.  It was paid by the Reserves and National Guard, who reported for duty
and lost incomes and jobs; whos families suffered from those losses, who 
came home to find an economy that had slumped and had no jobs to return to
and in too many cases went months without employment.

I am afraid for the scarred souls we may possess if we take the wrong
action and look back at it later with pain and regret.

I am afraid that some might dither so much that the results will be no
action, or ineffective action, rather than enough or too much.  Like an
excessive response an ineffective one is an invitation to further future

A Note:

I am a 30 year veteran, Pararescue, Survival Instructor, and Emergency
Care Medical Services, active duty and active Reserve duty.  I have seen
service in RVN and in Saudi Arabia in the Gulf War.  I retired this spring.
I paid a Gulf War tax in lost income of greater than $90k US, and this
was followed by 6 months of unemployment.

The only one of the questions above that I can answer with any certainty
is the third one above, "Is it worthy of yours?"  I have contacted the
MPU (Military Personnel Unit) at the nearest base to my home and have
volunteered for recall.

Make your own decisions, for your own reasons - but please _THINK_ very
carefully before talking or acting.



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