On Mon, 17 Sep 2001 20:14:15 -0400 Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > >People almost invariably choose personal security over "freedom".
> > >Any rational person would.
> > 
> > Speak for yourself.  I prefer ``Live Free or Die''.
> I would rather...

I hate to admit this, but after some thought I agree with you. We don't live in
a world
of innocense any longer. We live in a time when the man, woman or child
next to you can take your life in the name of some god you've never had the
time to 
learn about...

I'd rather submit to random searches than random acts of terrorism.

Damn that bastard for what he's done to us. Damn him all the way to his grave.

I've burned his image into my mind and as sure as you are my witness, I will
clean his
plate on sight...


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