Well, I live in Lafayette, about 70 miles north of Indy.  I guess we'll be
neighbors. :)  Here's a link off Yahoo that lists a few.

Sorry about the word wrap.  I've only heard of one of them, IQuest.  I worked
for a competitor that was bought out a few years ago.  Of course, what I
heard was negative.  The company that I worked for was better than all of the
competitors, or so they thought.  If Ameritech offers any internet service in
the area, I'd stay away from them.  They are still having problems even after
being in the news for slow repairs, upgrades and installs.  Do you plan on
going the traditional 56k, cable or dsl?  I do have a few contacts in Indy
and might be able to ask around and see what they recommend and why or why


On Monday October 22, 2001 12:08 pm, Kurt Wall wrote:
> List,
> If anyone here lives in the Indianapolis (Indiana, USoA) area, can you
> recommend ISPs to use, to avoid, and, in either case, explain why? I
> am relocating there in mid-November and would appreciate your input.
> Thanks.
> Blessed be,
> Kurt


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